beauty spot

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beauty spot

更新时间:2024-07-02 00:14:22

英 [ˈbju:ti spɔt]

美 [ˈbjuti spɑt]

beauty spot基本解释



第三人称复数:beauty spots

  • 英英释义
  • 词典解释
  • 网络解释


1. a spot that is worn on a lady's face for adornment

1. 名胜;景点
A beauty spot is a place in the country that is popular because of its beautiful scenery.

e.g. The Valley of Vinales is a lush and fertile valley and one of Cuba's finest beauty spots.

2. 美人斑;美人痣
A beauty spot is a small, dark spot on the skin which is supposed to add to a woman's beauty.

1. beauty spot是什么意思

1. 风景胜地:beauty n.美丽的,美 | beauty spot风景胜地 | becauseconj.因为

2. 美人痣:freckle雀斑 | beauty spot美人痣 | scar疤痕

3. beauty spot在线翻译

3. 风景点:spotlight 聚焦 | beauty spot 风景点 | view 察看


4. 风景区:beauty sleep 酣睡眠 | beauty spot 风景区 | beauty

  • 临近词
They don't want this "beauty spot" beside the Maracana.(他们不要让这个“漂亮的污点”在马拉卡纳旁边。)
The garden road is the central nervous system of the whole Taiyuan Fenhe Beauty Spot.(园路在太原汾河整个景区的规划设计中是中枢神经系统。)
Effect they can be applicable in building, billboards, virescence, sight, beauty spot and so on.(实际上,他们可以适用于建筑,广告牌,绿化,视线,风景名胜区等。)
It is a famous beauty spot.(这是一个著名的风景胜地。)
This circuit beauty spot gathers, tremendous difference, travel for the classic characteristic special features that cannot get much circuit.(此线路景点齐集,风光回异,为不可多得的经典个性化特色旅游线路。)
Rangers at the Gloucestershire beauty spot warn that animal lovers should beware because boar can be aggressive and cause serious injury.(格洛斯特郡的风景名胜区的流浪者提醒喜欢动物的人们要小心一点,因为野猪是有攻击性的,会对人们造成很大的伤害。)
Offer information inquiry of the beauty spot service to visitor, offer relevant beauty spot message according to the designated beauty spot.(向游人提供景点的信息查询服务,根据指定的景点提供相关的景点信息。)
It's a famous beauty spot.(这是一个著名的旅游胜地。)
There are all kinds of experience carriers in a beauty spot, which form the experience carrier system of the beauty spot.(一个景区具有各种各样的体验载体,这些载体构成了景区的体验载体系统。)
Yangshuo County of Guilin City; Shi Li Hua Lang Beauty Spot; Theme Culture in Beauty Spot; Integration and Exploitation;(桂林阳朔县;十里画廊景区;景区主题文化;整合与开发;)
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